How to Quit Smoking?

Learn how to quit smoking, what are your choices and what rate of success each of them has.

According to the American Lung Association, every smoker can quit, so you can also quit. Learn what are your choices and which ones could be better for you.

You need to find the proper method and follow the method until you are free from smoking.

Available Choices to Quit Smoking

These are the choices to quit smoking:

  1. Cut Down Method
  2. Cold Turkey Method
  3. Nicotine Replacement Therapy
  4. Medicines to quit smoking
  5. Aversion Therapy
  6. Acupuncture, electrical stimulation, acupressure, laser therapy
  7. Hypnosis

Let’s look at your choices one by one:

How to Quit Smoking with Cold Turkey Method

This means you are quitting smoking by yourself, with no help. Although thousands of people can quit this way, among the people who try this method, only 3% to 5% are successful, and less than half of them can stay away from cigarettes in the long run.

Pros: Inexpensive.

Cons: Very low rate of success. Cravings and the anxiety level are very high.

How to Quit Smoking with Cut down Method

With this method the person smokes fewer cigarettes every day until they stop smoking. Trials have shown that the rate of success in this method is similar to the Cold Turkey method.

Pros: Inexpensive.

Cons: Very low rate of success. Cravings and the anxiety level are high. Not as high as cold turkey, but still high.

How to Quit Smoking with Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy or NRT is a method using aids, such as nicotine gum, patches, inhalers, sprays, and lozenges.
NRT tools give the person the nicotine his body craves and help the person focus on quitting smoking.
This method has moderate effectiveness when combined with some form of therapy, but it doesn’t help with the addiction to nicotine. You may find yourself in need of help to quit the medicine you are using to quit the cigarettes.

Pros: Anxiety levels are tolerable.

Cons: You can end up in a new addiction.

How to Quit Smoking with Medicines

Some of the medicines in the market are Bupropion, Cytisine, and Varenicline.
This method has results similar to nicotine replacement therapy. 

The medicines are psychiatric medicines. They alter the mood of the person. They also have many adverse side effects including seizures.
It has not been confirmed, but there are reports of possible links between the use of these medicines and suicidal behavior.

Pros: Some people quit easily this way.

Cons: Side effects are too much of a risk.

How to Quit Smoking with Aversion Therapy

This method tries to change smoking from being pleasurable to being uncomfortable.
The idea is to smoke in a non-pleasurable way, such as rapid smoking.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “Most trials had several serious methodological problems likely to lead to spurious positive results. The only trial using biochemical validation of all self-reported cessation gave a non-significant result”.

Pros: Inexpensive.

Cons: Very low rate of success. Since the person is still smoking, there is no sense of achievement which leads to poor results.

How to Quit Smoking with Acupuncture, Electrical Stimulation, Acupressure, and Laser Therapy

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “Although pooled estimates suggest possible short-term effects, there is no consistent, bias‐free evidence that these methods have a sustained benefit on smoking cessation for six months or more.”

Pros: Some insurances cover acupuncture.

Cons: Pinching is unconfortable. Requires many sessions which makes it an expensive method. Moderate rate of success.

How to Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “Although pooled estimates suggest possible short-term effects, there is no consistent, bias‐free evidence that these methods have a sustained benefit on smoking cessation for six months or more.”

Cons: It could be difficult to find a qualified hypnotherapist.

Pros: Highest rate of success. Most people have no cravings.

How Does Our Quit Smoking Hypnosis Work?

Why Is It Different from Others?

Our program is revolutionary because it attacks the smoking addiction from different points. It gives you the tool to deal with the anxiety that may come up when quitting smoking. It also gives you a 21-day support program.

In your session, you will receive:

  1. An evaluation for your case.
  2. Training for the conscious mind.
  3. Cleansing Breath exercises.
  4. One Stop Smoking Hypnosis session.
  5. Our complete 21-day program on MP3.

Now let’s analyze each of them and why they are essential in your process of quitting smoking:


This allows me to know you so I can tailor the session to your needs.

Training for the Conscious Mind

You are going to learn how nicotine addiction work. This will help you defeat the addiction.
The training includes strategies to cope with the cravings you may experience. However, most of my clients have little or no cravings.
Training is also about how the program works and the steps you should follow during the program.

Cleansing Breathing Technique

This technique removes the tar and toxins deposited in your lungs by cigarette fumes, helping you to restore your health.
It blows tons of extra oxygen into your bloodstream, triggering cleansing and healing at a cellular level.
This type of breathing releases anxiety and calms you down. As a result, you can handle any cravings easily.
That is one of the reasons that make my method much more effective for smoking cessation than other methods and therapies.
It takes you into a deep peace, which is a healer by itself.
This peace plays a very important role in anxiety and craving control during the process of quitting an addiction.
It gives you back the sense of being in control. This boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem, which increases your chances of being successful by over 300%.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

My approach combines of Ericksonian hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnosis, and Energy Healing.

This is a program I created and it:

  • Reduces and, in most cases, eliminates the urge to smoke
  • Programs your mind to produce an accelerated cleansing of nicotine and cigarette residues in the body.
  • Eliminates emotional attachment to smoking
  • Strengthens your willpower to stop smoking
  • Increases self-esteem, and as a result, you will love yourself more and quit smoking and harming your body.

What happens if you fall into using food to replace tobacco? Do not worry! I include suggestions to decrease the urge to eat so you do not gain weight after quitting.

21 Days Support Audio Program

This 21-day program and the Cleansing Breathing technique are the main reasons behind the astonishing results of my method.
The meager 15%-25% success rate of a single hypnosis session is transformed into almost 100% rate of success with these additional factors.
The ones who fail are either not following the method properly or not willing to quit smoking.
The program includes hypnotherapy to reprogram your unconscious mind.
It prevents you to take on other negative habits (such as overeating, anger, sadness or anxiety) as a substitute for smoking.
Hypnosis track also reprograms the unconscious mind to stop smoking, decrease appetite (if that is what you want), increase self-esteem, increase willpower, and increase motivation to stop smoking.
You will quit smoking and never go back to it.
Our audio track trains your conscious and unconscious mind to handle any potential withdrawal symptoms correctly.
It rewires your unconscious mind to see yourself as a non-smoker for the rest of your life. You will become a new person: one who doesn’t smoke anymore.
Also it helps you to understand the mechanics of nicotine addiction. It is a precious tool because you need to know your enemy if you want to defeat it.


A typical single hypnosis session has shown a 17%-25% effectiveness in smoking cessation trials. 

That is because each individual needs a program tailored to support and boost the initial rewiring of the mind after that single supercharged session. 

Otherwise, the effects of the initial session will vanish. 

With our 21-day hypnosis program, your level of confidence will go up every single day, and complete the magic we started in our initial session.

Also, the Cleansing Breathing will help you cope with any obstacles you may find in your path.

As you can see, you are not receiving an ordinary Single Session Hypnosis. 

You receive a complete Hypnosis program that approaches the smoking addiction from all possible levels.  

I approach the client and his problem from the conscious, the unconscious, the physical, the psychological, the emotional and even the spiritual levels. 

With all the tools I am offering, any person can quit smoking, and you can do it too. 

What Is Going to Happen When You Quit Smoking?

  • Society will not discriminate you. You will not have to worry about the smell of your breath, body, and clothes. You will be free from the bad odor of cigarette smoke.
  • Your self-esteem will increase.
  • You will be healthier. Your cells will receive oxygen instead of toxic fumes from cigarettes.
  • Breathing will become easier.
  • You will sleep deeper and longer and will wake up rested and with more energy.
  • Your skin color will improve, becoming healthier, more youthful, and more attractive.
  • Your self-control will also improve. Until now, you have believed that smoking relaxes you; in our session, I’ll prove to you that in reality, it does the opposite–you just didn’t know it.
  • You’ll regain the total use of your taste buds, so you will enjoy the food you eat.
  • You will save yourself thousands of dollars in cigarettes or tobacco. The approximate cost of smoking a pack of cigarettes daily is $2,460.00 annually. On average, a smoker wastes more than a hundred thousand dollars in their lifetime.

There are many more advantages to quitting smoking you can come up with.

Now let’s analyze how good of a subject you are for smoking cessation through hypnosis.

Am I a Good Candidate to Quit Smoking with Hypnosis?

Many people think they are not hypnotizable.

If you can close your eyes, listen to soft music and relax, you can get into hypnosis. It is not as complicated as you think.

This confirms that almost everybody can stop smoking with the help of hypnosis, including you.

It is possible with the program I will give you. It includes not only the initial stop-smoking session but also the audio that supports you in the process for 21 days. 

The audio program includes a Hypnosis track to increase your chances of quitting by over 300%.

How Do I Make an Appointment?

The entire process is fully automated, just click the following button, select Quit Smoking in One Session, click “Next”, then choose your date and time and complete the registration process:

Please visit our FAQ page if you have questions about our online booking program.


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