What is
Chakras Balancing?

Chakras Balancing is a technique to clean up the person’s chakras and aura and make him stronger and healthier. If Chakras Balancing is performed properly, it produces positive effects in the emotional, mental and physical health.

Chakra Definition

Chakras are the organs of our subtle bodies. They not only process the energy in the body but also manage the one coming in and out of our bodies. They also radiate energy which is the basic form of communication and interaction between living beings.

Even though I have been seeing, touching, sensing, using and healing chakras for many years, I still don’t have a clear definition to give.

What I see; chakras appear to be a vortex or whirlpool of light, but I can’t see them in a room without light, which in my opinion means that they are neither light nor energy.

What I touch; and in general to my skin sensors, they appear to be physical, and in fact, the physical manipulation inside the chakras tends to produce amazing effects, especially in the mood of the person.
What I hear; they all produce a different sound, a high pitch tone, very subtle and soothing, especially if they are balanced.

What I sense; they are magnificent. They scan the surroundings for signals to process; they interact with the environment exchanging energy; they help in the communication between 2 living beings; they participate in the psychic perception as well as in the physical one; they process the imbalance of the bodies, and they form the majority of our aura. They are also one of our most powerful weapons when we are in a battle in the spiritual realms. And to be honest with you, I didn’t even scratch the surface.

They do not cease to amaze me.

Sometimes I am looking at them interacting with the world and I feel like a monkey who is watching TV. Although I can see what is happening, I can’t accurately describe it or even hold a clear definition in my mind.

I urge you to exercise your capacity to sense the chakras by yourself, especially if you are interested in self-development or healing. They are easy to see and touch. Almost all of us are capable of perceiving them. Most of my clients, with a little help, can see and touch the chakras, and have a first-hand experience of them. So why not you?

What Are the Main Chakras?

We have hundreds of chakras; almost every joint in the body, as well as every protuberance, has a chakra. According to most authors, the important ones are 7. In my experience, there are 8 chakras that we have to clean, balance, boost and maintain in order to have a more harmonious mind and a meaningful life. These chakras and its most common names are:

  1. Root Chakra – Mooladhara – Muladhara
  2. Sacral Chakra – Swadhisthana – Svadhisthana
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
  4. Heart Chakra – Anahata
  5. Throat Chakra – Vishuddhi – Vishuddha
  6. Third Eye Chakra – Ajna
  7. Crown Chakra – Sahasrara
  8. Soul Chakra

Location of the Main Chakras

There are discrepancies among authors about the exact location of some chakras, and also about their functions. I am going to talk from my experience and I hope my perspective gives you a better insight into them.

I am very pragmatic about everything that has to do with healing, spirituality, and chakras; I didn’t want to make assumptions based on what was written on websites and books and I decided to embark myself in a quest for chakra observation and research. For many years, whenever  I had a client, I ask that person to lay down on my massage table and I will observe the aura and the chakras.

These observations led to many interesting discoveries, I would like to share them below:

When the chakras of one person get close to the chakras of another person, they interact and their interaction looks as if they were intermingling and becoming one single chakra.

Most chakras are not in the center of the body. They are between the chest and the back, as the heart is located – but in the spine.

The Solar Plexus chakra is not located at the solar plexus. It is located at the level of the navel, on the spine. Of course, it means that it shouldn’t be called “Solar Plexus chakra”, but everybody calls it that way, what can I do?

The Sacral or Sexual chakra is not located just under the navel but a little above the sexual organ, either the penis in the case of males or the clitoris in the case of females.

In the case of women, the Root chakra is not located in the perineum, but inside the vagina, a little under the cervix.

If the healer can make his mind neutral and place a pendulum – certain pendulums, not all can do this – on top of the chakra, the pendulum will be grabbed by the kinetic energy of the chakra and dragged into a sort of movement. The type of movement depends on several factors including the health and strength of the chakra. This facilitates the diagnostic of the chakras.

The majority of techniques claiming to balance the chakras do nothing or almost nothing. I have had clients who came to see me immediately after having their chakras balanced, but when I tested the client’s chakras, I found them to be totally out of balance. In this case, I am talking about the myriad of YouTube meditations, affirmations, mantras, and of course, the famous chakra stones.

Wearing black weakens the chakras, makes your personality weak and increase the tendency to get into depression and anxiety, especially when you wear black tops covering the chakras located in the upper part of your body.

We have big chakras in the palm of our hands. In the case of healers and loving mothers, these chakras can be bigger than the average heart chakra. This is the secret behind that soothing touch that some healers have, their palm chakras are healthy, strong and highly developed, causing an important positive change in the physical, etheric and emotional body.

I discovered many other things, but it would be too much to put on a website, so now I am going to talk a little about each of the main chakras.

Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Root Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the Root Chakra is Mooladhara, but some people call it Muladhara. It is located 1 centimeter up in the perineum in males, and where the vagina meets the cervix in females. It is associated with deep red color.
Mooladhara is related to power, mostly potential power. It is the sit of kundalini and the support for body and mind.

This chakra resonates with the physical body and for that reason, people with their energy mostly in this chakra are materialistic, self-centered, egocentric and selfish. They tend to look for material security.
The power to enlighten the man resides in Mooladhara chakra and it is supposed to be awakened. Kundalini must ascend through the spine for the person to become enlightened.

In our daily, ordinary life, the Root chakra connects us to earthly energies. It helps us to ground ourselves and to get rid of wastes, mostly the emotional trash.

When this chakra is out of balance, the person has difficulty with motivation, sexual desire, prosperity, sleep, weight control, physical health, anger, and relationships.

Extreme disbalances of this chakra for a prolonged period can lead to schizophrenia, neurosis, extreme guilt, and dementia.

Balancing this center helps with kundalini awakening, weight control, guilt, sexual harmony, relationships, money, power, health, sleep, detachment, and spiritual growth.

To keep this chakra healthy and strong, walk over the grass barefoot, swim in natural waters, meditate in the root chakra or the center of the planet, interact with nature. For males, controlling ejaculation helps to keep this chakra strong and balanced. For females, having frequent whole body orgasms also helps.

On the other hand, an advanced yoga student who has already awakened his first 2 chakras and is working on the awakening of the third or any superior chakra, has no sexual desire nor any sexual need and he or she will be healthy for the rest of their life without sex, but that is not the case of a regular person.

Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Sacral Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the Sacral Chakra is Swadhisthana, but some people call it Svadhisthana. It is located at the level of the pubic bone in the front part of the body, just above the sexual organ, exactly in front of the coccyx bone, almost under the skin. The trigger point is located at the base of the spine, at the coccyx or tailbone, very close to Mooladhara. It is associated with vermilion color although it can be experienced in black because it is the home of primary ignorance in the undeveloped person.

Swadhisthana chakra is related to pleasure and sexuality because it regulates sexual desire. It resonates with the etheric body and it is also closely related to the unconscious because it is the storehouse of mental impressions, including traumas, that’s why Yoni massage – an ancient Taoist technique that releases trauma by massaging the vulva – has such tremendous healing power.

People with their energy focused on this chakra are mostly concerned with the search for pleasurable sensations, like sex, food, alcohol, and drugs.

When Swadhisthana is out of balance, the person can experience some following symptoms: a loss or an overwhelming increase in sexual desire, lack of motivation and creativity, nightmares, anger,  difficulties in relationships, addictions, spiritual obsession, lack of empathy, kidney problems.

Living with the Sacral chakra out of balance for a long period tends to develop anorgasmia, lack of sexual joy, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, illnesses of the uterus and ovaries, menstrual cramps, incapacity to find a partner in life that is worth it.

The awakening of this chakra opens the person up to the listening of the sounds of spiritual bodies, chakras, and the universal OM.

Balancing Swadhisthana helps with personal relations, shame, sexual desire, sexual enjoyment, peace of mind, pregnancy, weight control, anger control, spiritual advancement, personal magnetism, empathy.
Once this chakra is balanced, women should avoid having sex with men who have no sincere love for them. Although this point could be controversial, I have spent hundreds of hours healing this chakra in women who had sex with men who didn’t value them as a person.

Almost everything that is good for the Root Chakra is also good for Swadhisthana, so women should have healthy sex, which includes frequent all-body orgasms. Look for healing if your sexual desire is low, your orgasms are weak or you have any other sexual issues.

Men should learn to control ejaculation and keep their seed as much as possible, this way your Sacral Chakra will stay strong and your nervous system will reabsorb the semen, make your brain and your personality stronger. For those who are not familiar with this topic, the way to look for more information is to search online using the keyword “Multi-orgasmic man”.

Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Solar Plexus Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the Solar Plexus Chakra is Manipura. It is located directly behind the navel on the inner side of the spinal column. The trigger point is situated on the back, over the spine, at the level of the navel. For some Yoga practices, the Kshetram point is used. This point is directly in the navel.

Many authors tell this chakra is located in the solar plexus but that is not true. I have observed many, many clients and not a single one had this chakra located in the solar plexus.

Manipura is related to the yellow color and it resonates with the astral body. It radiates pranic vitality through the entire person energizing and regulating the organs and systems of the human being. It is the center of willpower, dynamism, energy, and success. You can think of it as the center of pranic energy and vitality which also connects the man to the cosmic energies.

People with their energy in this chakra tend to be the leaders of their society. They are responsible and strict and tend to not to pay much attention either to the pleasures of life or to spirituality. They are pragmatic, practical and efficient but their personal lives tend to be underdeveloped.

When Manipura is out of balance, the person can become a workaholic or lose his drive for work and achievement. He could be extremely strict to the point of cruelty and blind to personal matters.

Stubbornness can be easily developed by the unbalanced Manipura chakra. When this chakra is weak, the person will be like a candle that is about to die, depressed, lifeless and lazy. When this chakra is very strong but not in harmony with the rest of the system, the person can be magnetic and charismatic but with maniac tendencies. They will try to impose their points of view in others and manipulate them for their own benefit. This is usually the case of the psychopaths.

The lack of development or energy in this chakra also produces underachievement and lack of willpower. This is the person who starts the projects eagerly but loses the motivation and gives up quickly.

Balancing Manipura helps with magnetism, charisma, power, goal achievement, willpower, physical health, personal relations, muscle development, vitality, success at work, conquering fears, digestive system, weight loss, career. A person can improve almost in any area by balancing this chakra.

To keep Manipura in balance, it is important to develop attention for the details, focus on present time, be kind to the ones around, and become proactive. You should not exaggerate in anything and you should be balanced.

Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Heart Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the Heart Chakra is Anahata. It is located in the spine, directly behind the heart. Its trigger point is located in the center of the chest, in front of the heart.

Anahata has been frequently related to green and sometimes to pink color. In my experience, when this chakra is balanced, it radiates green, white and bluish and sometimes a layer of pink.

This chakra resonates with the mental body and it is responsible for the flow of creative energies not only in science but also in fine arts like music and painting.

This is the first advanced chakra for humanity. The person who already started the awakening of this chakra experiences deep empathy for others, he can feel the emotions around him and get inside others at will. His healing powers are starting to awaken and he may know the answer to spiritual and emotional questions instantaneously as soon as the question is asked by a sincere seeker. The awakening of this chakra makes the person less materialistic and more spiritual and ethical.

When Anahata is weak and underdeveloped, the person has difficulty to love others and even himself, he thinks that the world revolves around him and he may not be motivated to do any good for others unless he is gaining something in exchange.

When Anahata is out of balance, the person may assume the victim position or become a tyrant. Emotions can become uncontrollable and depression can be easily developed.

Having this chakra unbalanced for a long period creates chronic sadness, sad or angry face, arthritis, rheumatism, and fibromyalgia.

Balancing Anahata helps with spiritual advancement, development of healing abilities, control of emotions, happiness, finding life-mission, love, and relationships. It also helps to harmonize the sexuality with your loved one.

To keep Anahata in harmony, it is important to live a life of purpose, be in service of others, be honest and always tell the truth. You should avoid watching violent movies, news, gossiping and criticizing.  It is also extremely important to meditate regularly.

Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Throat Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the Throat Chakra is Vishuddhi, also called Vishuddha. It is located in the cervical plexus behind the throat pit and its Kshetram is in the front of the neck at the throat pit in level with the thyroid gland. Its attribute is higher discrimination, and it is normally represented by the color blue turquoise or aquamarine. It is related to the causal body which is located on the higher mental plane and it’s known as the “purification center”.

When this center starts awakening, the person sees life as a gym that provides all the necessary tools for enlightenment. Meditating frequently on Vishuddhi chakra makes the mind pure and peace of mind is achieved. People with harmonious energy in this chakra are eloquent and wise and tend to live longer and even look younger as they age.

The Throat chakra is responsible for communication on several levels. Telepathy is one of them. Vishuddhi receives the thoughts from others and decides where to send them into the body. It also broadcast out thoughts so others can perceive and use them.

People with an unhealthy throat chakra tend to be shy and have difficulty expressing themselves. They can be dishonest and use their words to offend others.

Balancing Vishuddhi helps with communication, relationships, fear of public speaking, honesty, assertiveness. It also helps to reduce and in some cases to reverse age decay.

After balancing this chakra you should watch the words coming out of your mouth, be kind and make sure that you tell the truth and speak only when it is necessary.

Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Third Eye Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the Third Eye chakra is Ajna. It is located over the top of the spine in the center of the head, at the level between the two eyebrows. It is associated with purple color and it resonates with the Buddhic Body.

When this chakra is awakened, there is no more attachment to the physical world and to specific results, and the person becomes a perfect instrument of the Divinity. Ajna is the center of wisdom, so this is the chakra of the master. It is the center of intuition and extrasensory perception. The one with his energy harmoniously in this center will have clairvoyance and many other psychic powers, but the important gift is not the psychic awakening but the inner self-realization and deep peace that comes with it.

When this chakra is weak, like in the majority of people, the person is blind to the spiritual world. He cannot perceive anything behind the physical reality. He is trapped in the illusion of this world and therefore he thinks that nothing else exists. Of course, that is an oversimplification because there are many possible configurations, like the one with a weak Third Eye and excess energy in Mooladhara, this person has big chances of developing an ill character that will do absolutely anything to have money. On the other hand, a person with weak Ajna and a lot of energy in Manipura would develop a personality obsessed for power.

Balancing this chakra helps with spiritual development, psychic powers development, calming of the mind, spiritual connection, healing powers. It also helps to focus the mind during meditation, visualization and any other exercises of the mind. Detachment is frequently an important benefit of balancing this chakra. Detachment from people who are causing emotional pain, circumstances and in general from the world. It gives a better perspective. My clients frequently report that they are seeing others trying to engage in arguments but they are not interested.

Once this chakra has been properly balanced, it is important to try to be objective and make the decisions from a broader perspective, taking into account our spiritual nature. Regular meditation also helps to keep it balanced and even get stronger every day. Kriya Yoga and Kundalini Yoga are probably the best tools to keep this chakra evolving.


Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Crown Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the Crown chakra is Sahasrara. It is located on the crown of the head, about one centimeter under the skin. It is associated with the violet color, although my experience is that after balancing, it shines mostly in pure white light with layers of bluish and purple, but sometimes I also see traces of yellow.

Sahasrara is the crown of spiritual development. To conquer this chakra, the aspirant has to conquer all other 6 chakras, and that is a mission of several lives, however, most of us already started that journey many lives ago, so we all are supposed to do it eventually.

The Crown Chakra is the center of Samadhi, the infinite, indescribable peace that comes as a result of self-realization. A peace that is always there and never goes away. For most people, this doesn’t even make sense, still, it is the final step in our evolution and we all are going to get there, eventually. The trick is to try to not to extend the suffering for too many lives unnecessarily. Yoga makes a difference in this case.

People with a dormant Sahasrara, and by that I mean almost the entire population of planet earth, are disconnected from the spiritual planes, they have no perception of the spiritual realities and they do not care much about it. They could be either atheists or fanatics. If they are members of a religion, they do it out of fear, not because of sincere love to the Creator. Their prayers tend to be a repetition of empty words and fanaticism is their way of understanding spirituality. They tend to believe that they are better than others because they practice a specific spiritual ritual or because they are members of their religion.

Balancing Crown Chakra clarifies the mind, connects to the high spiritual planes and angels of light. You will manifest a better life, and communicate with your higher self.  As a result, your memory and concentration tend to get better as well as your understanding of life and your role in this world.

Benefits of Balancing and Working on the Soul Chakra

The Soul chakra is number 8th in the list. It is not mentioned for the majority of books and website talking about the chakras. The higher the chakra, the more difficult it is to find reliable information about it.

I call it Soul Chakra because it connects us to our soul, which is not inside us, but above us, looking down to our mind. The soul is too pure and pristine to risk himself to get into our mind and body, so it stays at a certain distance.

Once the disciple gets to the point that he can keep his mind clean of fear and under control, the soul will descend and he will start the second phase of our evolution, he will become an advanced disciple, normally called and initiated. Now he has a lot of help. Help comes from his own soul and beings from higher hierarchies.

The initiated are an elite in our planet and they are not many, probably one out of every 100,000 people or even less than that. So why am I talking about the 8th chakra if it has to do with such an advanced group of people and not the regular people?

Because it has a lot to do with all of us. Cleansing and balancing the Soul chakra helps to make it more comfortable for our soul to get closer to us and we become more connected to the spiritual planes, our prayers are more potent and we get results more easily, our psychic powers tend to develop more easily and we develop a sense of detachment from the world that helps to stay in our spiritual path.

Balancing this chakra is only possible after the other seven had been harmonized.

The Role of Yoga in Our Lives

Yoga means “Union” and it is the path to self-realization.

We are here, on this beautiful planet on a mission. This is a spiritual quest, and it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, you are embarked on a spiritual journey.

Evolution is the key to this journey. We are evolving from one life to another, developing every aspect of our minds until we purify it so much that the consciousness of our Creator can express through it, so we become a reflection of the perfection.

Yoga has been passed from master to disciple in a very strict environment which makes it more difficult to twist the message. Through the years, many yoga disciples have achieved self-realization which makes them perfect mirrors of the Divinity, so if there is a mistake in the message, they see it clearly and correct it. That’s why Yoga stays pure.

Please be aware that when I say yoga, I am not talking about the yoga that you find in your local gym. I am talking about some specific branches of yoga that you can learn only by direct initiation from the masters.

Benefits of Chakras Balancing

I have seen many benefits of having our chakras balanced, but one noticeable thing is that they differ from person to person. I guess that you will be more aware of the benefits related to the areas that required more adjustment.

The majority of my clients report a long list of benefits, but I suspect that they don’t even notice most of them. Because the symptoms stop bothering them and once they disappear and then they do not report them to me. Simply because they are not bothering anymore and their awareness is not fixed on those symptoms anymore.

I am going to list some benefits, but I am absolutely sure that there are more benefits, it is just that my clients didn’t notice them. In order to make it easier for you, I organized the benefits list by chakras:

Root Chakra: Balancing this center helps with kundalini awakening, weight control, guilt, sexual harmony, relationships, money, power, health, sleep, detachment, and spiritual growth.  

Sacral Chakra: Balancing Swadhisthana helps with personal relations, shame, sexual desire, sexual enjoyment, peace of mind, pregnancy, weight control, anger control, spiritual advancement, personal magnetism, empathy.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Balancing Manipura helps with magnetism, charisma, power, goals achievement, willpower, physical health, personal relations, muscle development, vitality, and success at work, conquering fears, digestive system, weight loss, and career. Almost any area of the person can improve by balancing this chakra.

Heart Chakra: Balancing Anahata helps with spiritual advancement, development of healing abilities, control of emotions, happiness, life-mission, love, and relationships. It also helps to harmonize the sexuality with your loved one.

Throat Chakra: Balancing Vishuddhi helps with communication, relationships, fear of public speaking, honesty, assertiveness. It also helps to reduce and in some cases to reverse age decay.

Third Eye Chakra: Balancing this chakra helps with spiritual development, psychic powers development, calming of the mind, spiritual connection, healing powers. It also helps to focus the mind during meditation, visualization and any other exercises of the mind. Detachment is frequently an important benefit of balancing this chakra. Detachment from people who are causing emotional pain, circumstances and in general from the world. It gives a better perspective. My clients frequently report that they are seeing others trying to engage in arguments but they are not interested.

Crown Chakra: Balancing this chakra helps to clarify the mind, connect to the high spiritual planes and angels of light, the manifestation of a better life, and the communication with your higher self. As a result, your memory and concentration tend to get better as well as your understanding of life and your role in this world.

Soul Chakra: Cleansing and balancing the Soul chakra helps to make it more comfortable for our soul to get closer to us and we become more connected to the spiritual planes, our prayers are more potent and we get results more easily, our psychic powers tend to develop more easily and we develop a sense of detachment from the world that helps to stay in our spiritual path.

How Chakras Balancing is Performed

I have received this technique from my inner guide and this is what I do:

I ask for permission from my client to measure up his chakras and then I use a pendulum to show him his current chakras configuration. A healthy chakra will make a clockwise circle. The bigger the circle the stronger the chakra is. An out of balance chakra will make a line in any direction. The direction itself tells a lot about the imbalance but I try to not to focus on the imbalance and instead I direct my client’s attention to the balancing. An even sicker chakra will make a counter-clock circle or oval. If the chakra is not functional anymore, then the pendulum will not move.

My next step is to ask for assistance from the higher planes and dimensions. This can be out loud or in my mind. It mostly depends on how comfortable I feel with my clients believes.

Then I proceed to clean up the aura. This is performed with my own energy field and the help of my angels and my client’s angels, so there is no physical touch involved. Sensitive client’s start feeling things and seeing light at this point.

Once that is done, I start with chakra number one. Again this is done with my own energy field plus the help of our angels and as in the previous step, sensitive clients will feel the energy moving in their root chakra.

I go one by one until chakra number 7 – or number 8th if it is the 4th session – cleansing, balancing and boosting every chakra. Sometimes I receive messages from the angels while working on a particular chakra. I will pass these messages over the person only if I see that the person is capable of handling them. Sometimes an angel will tell me the name that he wants the client to use to call him. Normally I pass this message over to the client even if I think that the person can’t handle it.

Depending on the spiritual advancement of the person, here I may do extra steps. This may include healing to a specific organ, trauma or emotion. It may include other things. This is a bonus and not everybody gets it. I do it only if I am directed to do it from the planes of light.

I pray again to thank the beings of light who participated in the healing.

Lastly, I will give advice about how to keep the harmonization and what to do before the next session.

Things to Keep in Your Mind If You Plan to Have Chakras Balancing

  1. Look for a professional and experienced Energy Healer if you plan to have your chakras balanced.
  2. A proper chakras balancing may take 2-4 sessions
  3. Avoid wearing black clothes during the session.
  4. If you want to balance your sexual chakra, it will be helpful to be fasting from sex for 1 or 2 days before the session.
  5. It will be more potent if you are away from drugs, smoking, and alcohol at least for a couple days before the session.

How Can I Book My Appointment for Chakras Balancing?

I highly recommend you to receive Chakras Balancing from an Energy Healer at least twice a year. If you live close to Miami or Fort Lauderdale in Florida, then you can come to me. Just book your appointment now and please have in mind that Chakras Balancing is a lot more effective if you take 3 sessions in no more than a month.

Please visit our FAQ page if you have questions about our online booking program.

2 thoughts on “What is Chakras Balancing”

  1. I have a persistent pain on my shoulder that doctors and chiropractors cannot find the reason. Do you think chakras balancing or energy healing can help me with this pain?

    1. Ivan Augusto Gil Botero

      Thank you, Elizabeth for your question.
      Chakras Balancing may help. I have seen cases where nothing else worked and Chakras Balancing did. Nevertheless, I cannot promise it will be your case. Not every person has the same capacity to receive energy healing. It is tightly related to your level of consciousness, which another word for the soul’s evolution.
      Now, about Energy Healing, I work a lot with physical pain using my particular type of Energy Healing and as far as I have seen, the pain goes away in a few minutes. Sometimes in seconds.
      Every week I work one day in a place devoted to helping people with cancer and strong diseases. My main occupation is to alleviate their pain. So far, I had not seen a single case in which the pain did not disappear. It does not mean that it will never happen, but not so far.
      Now, whether the pain comes back and in how many days depends on several factors.
      If you have that pain because you have an undiagnosed medical condition, then most probably the pain will come back. However, in most cases will be of lesser intensity. That is because Energy Healing boosts the body’s natural ability to heal itself, so most times, after a few sessions the person feels no more pain. In these cases, the pain never comes back.
      If the root of the pain is emotional or spiritual, there are good chances it will not come back ever and frequently it only requires 2 or 3 sessions to heal.

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